We’re back with a long overdue SDCC 2014 podcast. I host a roundtable with many of the friends I attended San Diego Comic Con 2014 with including: Kevin kittridge, Teri Samuels, Scott Sebring, Vickie Sebring, Aubrey West, Julie Jekel, Josh Poole and Stephan Reese. We discuss the 12th Doctor, our 1966 Batman group, the Doctor Who meetups/and panel, Supergirl, Meeting Muppets, Scott’s 10th Anniversary as Batman, Lost badges, swollen feet and more.  Check it out!


1966 Batman Group

Stephan, Heather, Ewan Angel and Pasqual rockin Doctor Who

Kevin as Twelve and Scott as batman arguing over the TARDIS

Thu Star Trek Crew

Meeting the Muppets

Superman and Supergirl meet Thor

Sun Dr. Who Meetup

Scott and Vickie SHow off the new Bat-Statues

Doctor Who Panel on Sunday