Anthony Misiano aka Harley’s Joker and I discuss his outstanding Joker Cosplay from make-up to props to perfect lapels. We also touch on Joker’s Harley aka the Harley Quinn costume worn by his girlfriend Alyssa King, Michael Jackson and Cosplay musings, convention stories, celebrity meetings, and cosplay fandom. Check it out!  For more on Anthony’s cosplay and acting (or to purchase some of his amazing Joker art recreation photos as posters) please check out or  or


The Killing Joke Recreation! (Prints and posters of this available)

The Killing Joke Recreation! (Prints and posters of this available)


Alex Ross Painting Recreation Recreation! (Prints and posters of this available)

Alex Ross Painting Recreation Recreation! (Prints and posters of this available)

Joker For President Recreation (Prints and posters available)

Joker For President Recreation (Prints and posters available)

Joker Thanksgiving

Joker Thanksgiving



Joker's Harley

Joker’s Harley

Goofing off at Big Wow 2013

Goofing off at Big Wow 2013

Clown Couple

Clown Couple


Joker's Harley

Joker’s Harley


Clowning Around

Clowning Around


Stealing the Batmobile

Stealing the Batmobile

Clown Prince of Crime

Clown Prince of Crime


Showing off the coat lining

Showing off the coat lining


Harley's Joker's Favorite Joker and Harley Cosplayers

Harley’s Joker’s Favorite Joker and Harley Cosplayers


Meeting of the Jokers!  Anthony and I at Big Wow 2014.

Meeting of the Jokers! Anthony and I at Big Wow 2014.